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Team Line
Islavale F.C. image
Islavale F.C. Goals: 2 PK: 6
No. Player
1. R. Brindle
2. L. Wood
3. S. Thomson
4. M. Robert Nicol
5. S. Barron
6. R. Henderson
7. R. Scott
8. F. Stables
9. b. christie
10. S. James Phimister
11. F. Milton Subbed off 73'
14. F. Edwards Subbed on 73'
12. T. Bremner
15. J. Mair
16. C. Dunbar
17. N. Scott
Greenock Juniors F.C. image
Greenock Juniors F.C. Goals: 2 PK: 7
No. Player
1. B. Tucker
2. R. Corr
3. A. Marner Subbed off 73'
4. J. Docherty
6. J. Cunningham Subbed off 73'
7. D. Black
8. R. Kearns
9. T. Beckley Subbed off 77'
10. T. Stracey
11. A. Duffy Subbed off 61'
20. B. Lauchlan
14. A. Irvine Subbed on 77'
15. T. Lindsay Subbed on 73'
16. S. McLaughlin Subbed on 73'
18. J. McKenna Subbed on 61'
12. C. McPhee
17. D. Patton
23. N. Lightfoot
Yellow Card icon imageYellow Card Red Card icon imageRed Card Goal icon imageGoal Own Goal icon imageOwn Goal Goal Penalty icon imageGoal Penalty Subbed on Subbed on Subbed off Subbed off
Winning and Losing Margins
Islavale F.C. Playing At Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Greenock Juniors F.C. Playing Away From Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw


Saturday 02 September 2023
The Scottish Junior Cup1st Round