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Team Line
New Elgin F.C. image
New Elgin F.C. Goals: 1
No. Player
1. S. Dey
2. B. Tewnion
3. M. Payne
4. J. Blackwell
5. J. Moulding
6. L. Poundall Subbed off 42'
7. R. Forsyth
8. K. Cameron
9. A. Mackay Subbed off 79'
10. K. Mackie
11. C. Stone Subbed off 59'
12. J. Sutherland Subbed on 79'
15. S. Watson Subbed on 59'
17. J. Rumbles Subbed on 42'
14. L. Mcauslan
18. J. Michie
25. R. Wilson
Banks O'Dee JFC image
Banks O'Dee JFC Goals: 4
No. Player
1. D. Neish
2. C. McGregor
3. J. Selbie Subbed off 64'
4. K. Wood
5. G. Watson
6. L. McGarrity
7. F. Kemlo
8. J. Robb
9. H. Woods
10. S. Milne
11. C. Nicol Subbed off 82'
15. C. Thomson Subbed on 82'
14. F. Reid Subbed on 64'
12. A. Logan
13. k. irvine
16. J. McCormick
Yellow Card icon imageYellow Card Red Card icon imageRed Card Goal icon imageGoal Own Goal icon imageOwn Goal Goal Penalty icon imageGoal Penalty Subbed on Subbed on Subbed off Subbed off
Winning and Losing Margins
New Elgin F.C. Playing At Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Banks O'Dee JFC Playing Away From Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw


Saturday 02 September 2023
The Scottish Junior Cup1st Round