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Team Line
St. Roch's F.C. image
St. Roch's F.C. Goals: 3
No. Player
1. J. Scott
2. j. Slee Subbed off 68'
6. D. Kennedy
7. J. Dodsworth
8. K. Daw
9. J. Thompson
10. S. Graham Subbed off 72'
11. E. Ferns Subbed off 52'
15. B. McQueen
16. S. Bryson
18. C. Hughes Subbed off 72'
14. j. mcgrillen Subbed on 72'
17. E. Galasso Subbed on 72'
4. L. McCall Subbed on 68'
12. j. Campbell Subbed on 52'
5. R. McGillion
21. J. McGuire
Bathgate Thistle F.C. image
Bathgate Thistle F.C. Goals: 1
No. Player
2. K. Mooney
3. N. Williamson
4. H. Maguire
5. G. John Dryden
6. A. Thomson
7. R. Stevenson
8. F. Cormack Subbed off 27'
9. R. David Wilson Subbed off 75'
10. J. Devine Subbed off 44'
11. J. Rodger Subbed off 75'
22. C. Saunders
15. j. Mccullagh Subbed on 75'
18. F. McKay Subbed on 75'
17. A. Gibb Subbed on 44'
14. J. Brown Subbed on 27'
1. S. Brown
12. S. Conway
16. J. Mairs
Yellow Card icon imageYellow Card Red Card icon imageRed Card Goal icon imageGoal Own Goal icon imageOwn Goal Goal Penalty icon imageGoal Penalty Subbed on Subbed on Subbed off Subbed off
Winning and Losing Margins
St. Roch's F.C. Playing At Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Bathgate Thistle F.C. Playing Away From Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw


Saturday 02 September 2023
The Scottish Junior Cup1st Round