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Team Line
Hermes F.C. image
Hermes F.C. Goals: 2 PK: 3
No. Player
1. J. Otto
2. D. Rae
3. S. Whyte
4. A. Davidson
5. G. Mitchell
6. C. McKenzie
8. L. Barbour Subbed off 78'
10. C. Youngson
15. C. Milne
17. J. Burr
25. G. Rose Subbed off 63'
20. A. Youngson Subbed on 78'
11. P. Esslemont Subbed on 63'
7. B. Paszkiewicz
14. B. John Marr
18. C. Innes
21. J. McMahon
30. G. Simpson
Beith Juniors image
Beith Juniors Goals: 2 PK: 1
No. Player
1. O. Stott
2. C. McGlinchey
3. V. Emordi Subbed off 67'
4. S. Rough Subbed off 90'
5. D. O'Neill
6. R. Scullion Subbed off 78'
7. C. Monti
8. P. Frlze
9. C. Diver
11. A. Mason
20. B. Rossiter
16. D. Hughes Subbed on 90'
14. M. McWilliams Subbed on 78'
12. J. Scott Subbed on 67'
15. R. Monan
21. J. Walker
Yellow Card icon imageYellow Card Red Card icon imageRed Card Goal icon imageGoal Own Goal icon imageOwn Goal Goal Penalty icon imageGoal Penalty Subbed on Subbed on Subbed off Subbed off
Winning and Losing Margins
Hermes F.C. Playing At Home Last 2 matches
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Beith Juniors F.C. Playing Away From Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Cup Form
Hermes F.C. Overall
Beith Juniors Overall
Hermes F.C. Playing At Home
Beith Juniors Playing Away From Home


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