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Team Line
Johnstone Burgh F.C. image
Johnstone Burgh F.C. Goals: 3
No. Player
1. J. McGowan
2. C. Crooks
3. R. Wallace
4. C. Menzies
5. J. Naismith
6. D. Esplin
7. K. Brophy Subbed off 62'
8. M. McDonald Subbed off 82'
9. A. Small Subbed off 62'
10. D. Simeon Subbed off 82'
11. H. McKinlay Subbed off 62'
14. J. Gillespie Subbed on 82'
16. R. McKenzie Subbed on 82'
15. G. McCann Subbed on 62'
17. G. Dorrans Subbed on 62'
18. S. McCann Subbed on 62'
12. K. Brady
13. K. Smyth
Dundee North End F.C. image
Dundee North End F.C. Goals: 0
No. Player
2. L. Gibb
4. J. Allan Subbed off 70'
6. C. Donald Subbed off 79'
7. J. Richardson Subbed off 60'
8. J. Montgomery Subbed off 70'
11. F. Devine
12. T. Baxter
17. P. Sludden
18. R. McCord
20. L. Bollan
99. G. Adam
9. J. Garden Subbed on 79'
16. C. Blacklock Subbed on 70'
19. C. Dow Subbed on 70'
10. B. Clark Subbed on 60'
1. G. Thain
15. K. Rollo
Yellow Card icon imageYellow Card Red Card icon imageRed Card Goal icon imageGoal Own Goal icon imageOwn Goal Goal Penalty icon imageGoal Penalty Subbed on Subbed on Subbed off Subbed off
Winning and Losing Margins
Johnstone Burgh F.C. Playing At Home Last 2 matches
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Dundee North End F.C. Playing Away From Home Last 2 matches
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Cup Form
Johnstone Burgh F.C. Overall
Dundee North End F.C. Overall
Johnstone Burgh F.C. Playing At Home
Dundee North End F.C. Playing Away From Home


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