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Team Line
Hurlford United image
Hurlford United Goals: 6
No. Player
1. D. Wilson
2. L. Miller Subbed off 49'
3. R. Love
4. C. Frew
5. C. Robertson Subbed off 73'
6. B. Hughes
7. P. McKenzie Subbed off 73'
8. J. Whittaker Subbed off 66'
9. M. Mullen Subbed off 66'
10. L. Morrison
11. K. Kerr
14. C. McKnight Subbed on 73'
17. C. Watt Subbed on 73'
12. T. Allan Subbed on 66'
15. A. Love Subbed on 66'
18. B. Anderson Subbed on 49'
16. C. Reid
21. C. Taylor
Tayport F.C. image
Tayport F.C. Goals: 0
No. Player
1. D. Burns
2. A. McKelvie
3. G. Robertson
4. J. Hume Subbed off 33'
5. G. McColm
6. I. Plenderleith Subbed off 49'
7. R. Smith
8. N. Fletcher Subbed off 70'
9. M. Adam Subbed off 70'
10. E. Samson
11. J. Gill Subbed off 70'
12. L. Stracey Subbed on 70'
15. M. Reid Subbed on 70'
17. M. Williamson Subbed on 70'
19. A. McDougall Subbed on 49'
14. D. McKenzie Subbed on 33'
22. E. Smith
Yellow Card icon imageYellow Card Red Card icon imageRed Card Goal icon imageGoal Own Goal icon imageOwn Goal Goal Penalty icon imageGoal Penalty Subbed on Subbed on Subbed off Subbed off
Winning and Losing Margins
Hurlford United F.C. Playing At Home Last 2 matches
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Tayport F.C. Playing Away From Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Cup Form
Hurlford United Overall
Tayport F.C. Overall
Hurlford United Playing At Home
Tayport F.C. Playing Away From Home


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