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Team Line
Broughty Athletic F.C. image
Broughty Athletic F.C. Goals: 0
No. Player
1. S. Diamond
2. G. McNaughton
3. F. Matthews
4. C. Mudie
5. M. McDonald
6. L. Fraser Subbed off 68'
7. c. Tosh Subbed off 86'
8. J. Reid
9. B. Smith
10. D. Kesson
11. R. Henry Subbed off 68'
16. S. McConnachie Subbed on 86'
12. m. findlay Subbed on 68'
14. R. Hunter Subbed on 68'
15. J. MacDonald
17. B. Middleton
18. B. Sivewright
21. F. Burnett
Bellshill Athletic F.C. image
Bellshill Athletic F.C. Goals: 2
No. Player
1. J. Hutchison
3. J. Newton
4. R. Shiels
6. O. Lee
7. K. Fraser
8. J. Cherrie
9. K. Markey
10. J. Cowie Subbed off 87'
15. k. caig Subbed off 68'
17. R. Thomson Subbed off 75'
18. K. Laughlin Subbed off 87'
11. S. Clark Subbed on 87'
16. B. Elliot Subbed on 87'
20. M. Kyle Subbed on 75'
12. J. Currie Subbed on 68'
19. L. Binnie
21. S. Logan
22. D. Oliphant
Yellow Card icon imageYellow Card Red Card icon imageRed Card Goal icon imageGoal Own Goal icon imageOwn Goal Goal Penalty icon imageGoal Penalty Subbed on Subbed on Subbed off Subbed off
Winning and Losing Margins
Broughty Athletic F.C. Playing At Home Last 1 match
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Bellshill Athletic F.C. Playing Away From Home Last 2 matches
NSD - No-score drawSD - score draw
Cup Form
Broughty Athletic F.C. Overall
Bellshill Athletic F.C. Overall
Broughty Athletic F.C. Playing At Home
Bellshill Athletic F.C. Playing Away From Home


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